Thursday, February 21, 2008

Partido de fútbol

Celebrating their victory with tacos and soda

Yesterday my students invited me to their soccer game it was so much fun. The team consists of 5th, 6th and 7th grade students from Varmond. They are really good. I hadn´t been to a soccer game in years They won 4 to 3 to be able to go on the tournament. Alot of the students from the school were there to cheer them on. It was great to hear them cheering in Spanish and they really supported their team. The girls and the guys there to cheer them on were really surprised to see me, it was fun to be there to support them. To celebrate they doused their coaches in the leftover water in the cooler then went after each other the principal and me. :) Then the team and the coaches were off to Tacopolis to celebrate and they invited me to join them. It was so much fun. The food was really good and they kids were hilarious. Screaming and yelling and cheering. I felt so bad for the waiters but man did they make a lot of money off of us. Those kids and the coaches can sure eat a lot of tacos :). I was so glad I finally made it to a game and that they invited me to join them afterwards. They are a really fun bunch of kids even if they are trouble makers. :)
The week of teaching is going pretty well I´m almost caught up to where I need to be to finish the book on time. My cooperating teacher was sick on Tuesday so I spent the whole day alone with the kids which was a definitely a challenge but a good experience for the future. They are good kids but man are they alot of work to keep focused. I think finishing the book next week will be a very satisfying experience, and playing review games with them will be a great reward for them and for me.
This weekend I´m off to Zamora and to see some of the sights along the way. One of the teachers from the school offered to take me so we leave tomorrow after lunch. I´ll let you know how it goes on Monday. Have a great weekend everyone! I can´t believe tomorrow makes 7 weeks that I´ve been here already! Only 3 left, it´s gone by so fast!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Time really does fly but it sounds like you are having such a great time and making such an impact and learning so much!!!

Much love
