Friday, February 29, 2008

Que rapido el tiempo

Wow another week is already over I can´t believe it! Only two more left. :( I´m going to miss it here so much and my students especially. This week I was definitely kept busy trying to finish as much of the book as I could with them before their exams start next week. We still have more to do but we should be able to get it done and still have time to play some review games for the exams. I can´t believe next week is really my last week teaching because the last week we only have two days of classes and the second half of the week is the Olimpiadas where the students go to compete against other schools in a mock Olympics which I´m really excited for I think it will be lots of fun.
Yesterday I went to the movies with two of my students it was fun to spend time with them outside of school. I´m going to miss these kids so much. They definitely don´t make it easy for me to get through that book but they are great kids.
Tonight and possibly tomorrow night I´m going dancing at the disco again with friends from Varmond, I´m going to be pretty tired on Monday because tomorrow afternoon I´m probably going to lunch with friends from the CCL to say goodbye to Katie from Washington, and on Sunday Roberto invited me to go to a wedding with him to see what a Mexican wedding is like. I´m so lucky to have so many great people to spend time with. They are going to be keeping me busy these next few weeks, which will be wonderful but I think will also make it even harder to leave. Tomorrow is already March 1st which means only 16 more days. I can´t believe how fast it´s gone by. I will definitely have to come back some day to see all of these people again, and to see more of this beautiful country.
(wow this has got to be the shortest post I´ve ever written, a little break for you faithful readers :) )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Katie, It sounds like you have had a wonderful time. I can't wait to here about your newest adventures and the wedding. We check your blog to see how you are every few days and have really enjoyed it. Love, Cousin Jenny